

infractl build API allows building custom Docker images and pushing them to a Docker registry.

The main features of the API:


First, you need to import infractl.docker:

import infractl.docker

Create a builder:

# Create a builder for default infrastructure (usually your existing ICL cluster)
builder = infractl.docker.builder()

Build an image and push it to the private Docker registry in the provided infrastructure:

image = builder.build(path='docker/my-image', tag='my-image:0.0.1')

Note that both path and tag are currently required.

Additional arguments for build can be found here: https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/images.html#docker.models.images.ImageCollection.build.


builder = infractl.docker.builder()
image = builder.build(
    buildargs={'http_proxy': 'http://my-proxy:8080'}

Builder for specific infrastructure

# Create a builder for the remote cluster mycluster.example.com
infrastructure = infractl.infrastructure(address='mycluster.example.com')
builder = infractl.docker.builder(infrastructure=infrastructure)

Specify a builder kind

By default infractl.docker.builder() returns a builder that works with the existing infrastructure. For example, if there is a local Docker daemon is available, then it will be used to build a Docker image locally. This is faster than building an image in the cluster, because it requires uploading files to the cluster.

User can request a specific kind of the builder, by specifying kind.

Use a local builder that leverages the existing Docker daemon to build Docker images locally and push to the private registry in the cluster:

builder = infractl.docker.builder(kind='docker')

Use a remote builder that leverages Prefect in remote cluster to build Docker images remotely and push to the private registry in the cluster:

builder = infractl.docker.builder(kind='prefect')

Specify Docker registry

To push an image to a custom Docker registry instead of registry in the cluster:

builder = infractl.docker.builder(registry='https://myregistry.example.com')