
Enable SSH access to JupyterHub session

Follow the following instructions to enable SSH access to your JupyterHub session. You can use this SSH access, for example, to connect your VSCode application that is running locally to your JupyterHub session that is running in ICL cluster.

Note that you will need to re-enable SSH each time after your JupyterHub session is restarted. Also you may need to remove old records from ~/.ssh/known_host, since every time SSH will use a newly generated host key.

SSH with a password

In your JupyterHub session, set a password for user jovyan:

sudo passwd jovyan

Then execute the following command:

infractl ssh enable

Note that you can always add your public key later with ssh-copy-id or with infractl ssh enable --key ... described below.

SSH with a public key

In your JupyterHub session, execute:

infractl ssh enable --key "your_public_ssh_key"

Where “your_public_ssh_key” is a content of your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (or ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub or other key).