
Deploying a local ICL cluster


In Windows, WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) version or newer (version has a bug with port forwarding https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/9508).

Create a local ICL cluster


Access cluster

The cluster’s endpoints are accessible only from localhost. In your browser, navigate to http://jupyter.localtest.me. When using an HTTP proxy make sure domain localtest.me is included in the “no proxy” list.

When the script completes, it creates and configures a Kubernetes default context, so if you have kubectl installed you can use it to access the cluster, for example:

kubectl get namespaces

Control node

“Control node” is a Docker container that contains pre-installed tools, such as kubectl, helm, terraform, and that is configured to access the cluster. To run the control node:

source ./scripts/deploy/functions.sh

# runs bash inside the control node

# runs a command inside the control node
control_node "kubectl get namespaces"

Delete a local ICL cluster

./scripts/deploy/kind.sh --delete

Advanced scenarios

Control node console

The following command starts an ephemeral control node in a Docker container and starts a new Bash session:

./scripts/deploy/aws.sh --console

The Kubernetes context is configured in that control node, so you can use kubectl, helm and so on in that Bash session.

Use pre-pulled Docker images

Pull the required Docker images locally:

./scripts/deploy/kind.sh --pull-images

Start a cluster and load pre-pulled Docker images to speed up the deployment:

./scripts/deploy/kind.sh --with-images

HTTP and HTTPS proxies

The script uses the following environment variables if they are set:

Note that if HTTP proxy is set via http_proxy, the deployment script sets up a transparent HTTP proxy and forwards all external connections from a cluster to ports 80 and 443 through that proxy. Currently, script does not support a case when HTTPS proxy differs from HTTP proxy.

DockerHub proxy

To avoid 429 Too Many Requests error from DockerHub Registry docker.io, it is possible to use a DockerHub proxy/cache. To enable it, set the following environment variable:

Use the host name, scheme https and port 443 are assumed and must be skipped at the moment. For example:

export dockerhub_proxy=dockerhubregistry.example.com


./scripts/deploy/kind.sh --console

# On control node execute