
infractl quick start

Import infractl

import infractl

Run a Python program

To run a Python program remotely:

await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py'))

To specify arguments for the program:

await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py'), parameters=['--help'])

To specify a function to execute:

await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py', name='main'))

To specify a function to execute and its parameters:

await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py', name='main'), parameters={'foo': 'bar'})

Run a flow

Currently, ICL uses Prefect for defining basic workflow building blocks: flow and tasks.

Create a Python file my_flow.py that defines a single flow my_flow:

from prefect import flow

def my_flow():
    print('Hello from my_flow')

Note this is a regular Python file, so it can be developed, tested, and executed locally. The following code deploys and runs flow my_flow in the default infrastructure:

await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py'))

If the Python file contains of multiple flows, it’s required to choose the flow that will be deployed. Example:

await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py', name='my_flow'))

Currently, the default infrastructure is expected to be available locally and accessible via localtest.me, which resolves to

To deploy a flow to a remote ICL cluster define a custom infrastructure with an address of the remote cluster.

infrastructure = infractl.infrastructure(address='mycluster.example.com')
await infractl.deploy(infractl.program('my_flow.py'), infrastructure=infrastructure)

To run a flow with parameters:

await infractl.deploy(infractl.program('my_flow.py'), parameters={'url': 'https://example.com'})

Note that Prefect recommends using pydantic models to define flow parameters.

Infrastructure parameters

Infrastructure has the following parameters:

Runtime parameters

Runtime has the following parameters:


runtime = infractl.runtime(
    environment={'foo': 'bar'},
    dependencies={'pip': ['boto', 'botocore']},
infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py'), runtime=runtime)

Currently, dependencies accepts only requirements that can be installed with pip. The value for pip is a list of pip requirements specifiers.


runtime = infractl.runtime(
    # 'data.csv' from the local working directory will be copied to the runtime working directory 
await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py'), runtime=runtime)

Deployment parameters

When deploying a flow, it is possible to specify additional parameters for Prefect Deployment. Below are several examples of using deployment parameters for Prefect flow:

Tag a flow

To add tags to the Prefect flow:

infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py'), tags=['my_flow'])

Schedule a flow

To specify a schedule for a flow:

# This schedule will create flow runs for this deployment every day at midnight.
await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py'), cron='0 0 * * *')

Customize a Kubernetes job

To apply a JSON patch to the Prefect Kubernetes job:

# This customization adds a second container `busybox` to the pod.
# Make sure to terminate the second container when the main container completes!
customizations = [
        'op': 'add',
        'path': '/spec/template/spec/containers/1',
        'value': {
            'name': 'busybox',
            'image': 'busybox',
            'cmd': ['/bin/echo', 'hello from busybox'],
await infractl.run(infractl.program('my_flow.py'), customizations=customizations)

Specify a custom flow name

There are 3 options to specify a Prefect flow name for the program:

  1. With argument name in infractl.deploy():

    infractl.run(program, name='renamed')
  2. With argument name in flow decorator:

    def my_flow():
  3. If both arguments are not specified, then Prefect will derive a flow name from a function name. For example, function my_flow will be deployed as flow my-flow.

Program run parameters

Stream logs from the program

# Run the flow without waiting for the Terminal state, use `detach=True`
program = await infractl.run(

# this command will print logs to sys.stdout
await program.stream_logs()

# this command will print logs to `file`
file = StringIO()
await program.stream_logs(file=file)

# how to read logs
logs = file.read()

# It is possible to change the frequency of sending requests to receive logs via `poll_interval`.
await program.stream_logs(poll_interval=60)  # 60 sec

Docker images

infractl build API allows building custom Docker images and pushing them to a Docker registry. For example, to build a Docker image and push it to the private Docker registry in the provided infrastructure:

import infractl.docker

builder = infractl.docker.builder()
image = builder.build(path='docker/my-image', tag='my-image:0.0.1')